Jakub Olejnik

I'm an XR developer with a side of an aspiring game developer.


Copenhagen, Denmark

Video games in all forms and shapes are my biggest passion, and computer graphics are one of their fundamental components, which I find exceptionally compelling. After all, just a set of lit pixels allows us to take a peak into vast virtual worlds on our monitors, and how all that happens has been always so intriguing to me.

While I believe, I’ve already built a decent understanding of the ins and outs of computer graphics, I’m continuously deepening my knowledge, and following the newest advancements in this area.

I also find the process of designing game mechanics and interactions fascinating. The interactivity is what makes video games so much more captivating when compared to other types of digital media.

I had always adored motion-controlled games and I still do to this very day, it was only natural for me to develop an immense interest in virtual and augmented reality.

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Sep 26, 2023 Hello world!